Hi, my name is Andy Waldock. A few years ago, I was still employed by what was once the family run firm of Lind-Waldock & Co. While I was there, we controlled nearly70% of the retail commodity brokerage market. The owners, Jack Waldock and Barry Lind sold the business in 2000. The company changed hands two more times before 2007. At that point, we were no longer a family run firm. We were being run by an overseas conglomerate. They were simply using our name to gain U.S. market share. When they finally closed our home town Sandusky, Ohio office, I was forced to make a decision. Go back to trading commodities on my own or, listen to my customers and start my own business.
This is the story of an individual with 20 years of industry knowledge taking on a multi-national corporation. Starting my firm, Commodity & Derivative Advisors (http://www.commodityandderivativeadv.com) with a few of my best clients and making all of the mistakes that new business owners are prone to making before finding the key to competing on an equal footing.
I dipped into my savings, started the business, beat the bushes and got us up and running. I spent thousands of dollars on T.V. advertising. This involved writing and filming a high quality commercial. I bought air time in all of my major markets. I waited by the phone every time it ran in every market. I wanted to be ready with multiple phone lines to handle the flood of new leads it was going to generate. I waited and waited…..NOTHING HAPPENED!
I diligently wrote client letters and market research. I was featured in magazines and newspapers. I started a blog (http://blog.commodityandderivativeadv.com) and began publishing my research there as well. My customers were appreciative and I picked up a few referrals but, I just wasn’t gaining any marketing traction against multi national corporations with floor’s of researchers and media outlet distribution networks. Finally, I stumbled upon article rewriting software. Finally, I could write one article for my clients and blog and quickly create many, many variations to publish all over the internet. I found that one HIGH QUALITY article could be reworded in minutes. I submitted each new article using article submission software and I watched high quality links grow like wild fire. My business is based on teaching new people with an interest in commodities to trade. Therefore, I focus my article and search engine optimization for, “futures market education.” Since 1965 our family has been teaching new people to trade! As a second generation commodity trader, I’ve participated in the electronic trading revolution and I am intimately familiar with its peculiarities.
Thanks to article rewriting software I’ve been able to watch my firm, Commodity and Derivative Advisors go from not listed in Google for, “futures market education,” all the way up to 9th!!!!
SCRATCH THAT – As of 8/2/10 we are up to 6th!!!
Google it yourself and see.
This is one place AHEAD of Lind-Waldock. They are huge! I never thought from the comforts of my own home, I could take on a company like that. This is a testament to the effectiveness of article rewriting software and article submitting software.
Links from effectively written articles get picked up and reposted across the internet like WILDFIRE! High quality content is at a premium. I use my own expertise to generate high quality search engine listing for my business. High quality information will PROVE YOUR WORTH to your customer base. Every source that picks up your article generates a high quality one way link to your business. Each high quality one way link you generate equals a vote of confidence in the article you’ve submitted. The more votes of confidence you generate, the more important your site is to Google…..and THAT is the bottom line to compete globally!
If you have any questions, please call 1-866-990-0777 or if you are interested in reading other published articles please visit http://blog.commodityandderivativeadv.com.