Some company owners believe that Online Marketing is all about conning the search engines to send more searchers to a particular website. In some cases businesses will offer this very facility. Making certain to increase your visitor numbers dramatically but using unprincipled means to do it.
Clearly this type of action is very short sighted. Once a browser has been tricked to a site which plainly does not offer information on the keywords he had used, his next move will simply be to go “back” to the search page. He will be slightly irritated at the search engine for putting the choice forward and in essence the website business gains nothing except for a useless hit, the search engine has it’s reputation broken and the searcher tries once more.
They only benefit here is perhaps to the unethical optimizer (seo) who has possibly tied his customer in to fees based on an increase in website visitors. Despite this financial gain, running in this manner is still sensible long term. The search engine companies do not like having their name dented and so are constantly developing their product to tackle unethical methods. This means that the unethical seo has to relentlessly come up with new ways to keep ahead of them. Also the business itself will soon identify that although it’s hits have improved there has been no affect on sales.
In actual fact just as much effort needs to go into these unethical methods as is necessary to do the role well, assuming the skills are understood. It really is quite simple; the searcher wants to find what he is hunting for; the search engine wants to show the searcher a variety of websites offering what he is looking for; the business wants to be found by customers searching for his products or services. Then as long as the Search Engine Optimization Company positively impacts on all of that all parties wins.
So the ethical seo will find out how people search for his clients goods and then ensure that these keywords are clear to the search engines. By doing this all businesses in the process and happy and positive business is conducted. The client’s website will often steadily achieve a higher Search Engine Placement as the search engines become more and more positive that the site covers what it says it does; and this in turn provides the client with more and more business as the search engine positioning is essestial to the number of hits achieved.