Selling products and services with compelling words, also known as copywriting, has a very long history. You should realize that copywriting on the internet is a little different from the old fashioned kind. Web surfers have shorter attention spans than other readers, so if you don’t get their attention right away, you will lose them. Particularly in the Internet marketing world, sales copy plays a major role, which is why it’s a skill that is worth developing. The following copywriting guidelines will help you create more effective copy.
Sales copy is very personal; that is to say write like you’re talking to your best friend and only discuss the benefits of the product, or service. People are skeptical online, but it really depends on the market; nevertheless, give the reader as much compelling proof as much as possible. Use testimonials as much as you can, and do be sure they are real because it’s illegal to use fake ones. You have to present your product and facts well because your reader needs to believe what you’re saying. Getting testimonials is simple; all you need to do is ask for them from your customers and other experts in your field. The most effective testimonials are detailed and not an essay, shall we say. If you have anyone who will review it, then be sure to let them see your product so they can provide an honest review. If you can, video testimonials are very compelling and effective, then audio and lastly written.
One aspect of copywriting you have to make a priority is your headline, as this is the very first thing your readers will see, and you must use this to make them curious. Therefore an effective sales letter has to start with a great headline, so this is a skill to work on developing. Writing good headlines goes beyond the initial headline, since most sales letters also contain sub-headlines, which help to keep your prospect interested. Read as many headlines as you can to learn how they’re done; you can read ones from traditional, printed copy. You can also look at headlines on websites and online sales letters for further research. Your headline can actually be the factor that determines if your copy converts or doesn’t.
Don’t forget to use lots of bullet points in your sales copy. The way you write your bullets is they are short and serve to illustrate the benefits of your product. When your prospect goes through your copy, they will be able to understand what exactly you offer by looking at your bullets. Avoid using them too much, but you can use them a lot if it’s appropriate and presented well. It is imperative that you study and learn about the product or service you’re promoting before ever writing about it. There is much more to writing copy that converts, so continue learning and practice as much as possible.
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