The advancement of civil technology is phenomenal. How can something as easy as a writtentyped-up file be capable of such incredible, or destructive pieces of well inserted text work that way? Even better question, how did our ancestors ever live without it? Since the dawn of mankind have been building tools to make their tasks more simple. The invention of the wheel made touring and product movement a breaze. Some say, “No need to re-invent the wheel”. I don’t accord with that statement. Yes, re-invent the wheel, you might surprise yourself!
Wherever would we be in this day in age if Thomas Edison didn’t re-invent the candle? We probably wouldn’t have the fluorecent light bulbs; which was the re-invention of the incandescent light bulb. What if Gilette didn’t re-invent the razor? The razor makes what once was to be a potentially deadly activity to a laughable and absolvitory 2 minute task, with a trim like none other. Heck, you can have disposable razors that emit a vibe to erect the hair on your skin for a closer & smoother shave. What next? A razor without any blades?
Nonetheless, automation never ceases to evolve. Here, in year 2010 AD, multi-national, multi-million dollar corporations are formed for the purpose of automating complex administration processes. Software has most definitely revolutionized the way the world revolves. A lot of jobs have been cut because of the use of software Good example is the automotive industry. Imagine man or woman that never calls in sick, never takes vacations, can work 24 hours a day, without sleep, all week long, doesn’t cost as much on insurance policy, doesn’t need much training and the best part of it, it only takes one “supervisor”, for up to 20 “virtual workers”. Hefty start up cost but you save on everything else.
With all those job closures all over the world, one is to ask themselves: “I lost my work to a robot. It seemingly does a much better job than I personally can, how can I make a robot work for me”??
Well, you don’t need a highly advanced robot to use your computer for you. Well, I guess you could if you have a HEAVY CHUNK of money, hey, all the ability to you. Well, for those without that type of money, all you need is a laptop and an internet connection. If you’re doing business online, chances are, you’re already likely using tools. Computers are automation. They can do anything you want them to do. Honestly! However, implementing the software is another story, this needed a lot of brains and is honestly too much for most.
Software have a large array of prices that range from no cost to hundreds of thousands of dollars, if not millions! It’s huge business and that’s because they act upon the dilema for all: “Do THIS for me, while I do utterly nothing!” OR “Help me do THIS, while I do very little, I’ll just tell you what you need to know and I will not do a lot either, you will be my slave and I will pay you nothing, perchance a little over $100 a month or a one time fee of $50” and all that luxury, without legal problems! Be happy, that the economy is the way it is and the wealthier affiliaes put in all the start up cash in hand to make the “easy street” answers for those who’s lives go around around the internet the web.
Today, you can get great tools for very well anything you need done for you, or done much easier. How much would you pay for a tool that will do a ton of work for you. If you are in the online selling business, I’m sure you can think of a few things you would want done easier right? Question is, if you are doing business online and not using software, why are you doing business online to commence with? Of course, you can do it for no cost and do all the work comes with it but come on, if you made money for $0, how long did it take you to earn it? Did you earn a living from it? It is impossbile a complete newbie, without marketing experience, without much computer skills and no knowledge of HTML to earn some dough in less than a month without investing, if you been told otherwise, you been fed a line of crock!
What the successful webmasters do is dedicate time and invest in their business. Some spend a lot and get very little back and that’s because they don’t bother learning. It’s never any done deal that a human will become rich with their online business. Never under estimate yourself. If you are unsure of your success, your success is unsure of you. Believing is half the scrap, accomplishment is the rest of it. If you want it done now, you can eternally rely on technology. There’s great products all over! This article is curently on a secret network, so, only a picked out few have the rights to post my articles. Intrigued? Believe it or not, all I had to do is write this well thought article and click “publish”. I give all publishers on this network a big thumbs up and to those who promote it.
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